"Discover the Power within you"
In our Burning Bowl ceremony we released the past year and any lingering limitations, and in our White Stone Ceremony we set our intention to call forth the qualities that we want to cultivate and express in 2012.In the Bible, when a person receives a new name it is saying they received a new consciousness. The names (qualities) each of you chose to cultivate this year showed the depth of our spiritual community.
Our theme for 2012 is: "Discover the Power within you."
One of the ways we can unleash this power is to cultivate the art of being kind to ourselves, even when we don't feel kind.
Thoughts, moods, emotions arise in our consciousness, we cannot control this.
How then can we bring kindness to ourselves when we feel like we are burning up inside with hurt, restlessness, or anger?
Pema Chodren sees these emotions as opportunities to practice self-kindness. She says that criticizing yourself for how you are feeling is like criticizing the sky for having clouds. Minds think and emotions arise. The practice is to ask What now?
Attending Unity or engaging in Life coaching is about being more conscious with the energy of your life. Create a relationship with your life energy and as you do, you notice that thoughts, feelings, moods, emotions are all energy and they have their own tone;
Instead of trying to get rid of these feelings, acknowledge them and yourself for having the courage to look at them, and to see them as opportunities to become free from excessive suffering by shifting your attention onto something more interesting, like your life's intentions.
This year, I invite you to release old structures by cultivating a relationship with your life energy. Everything is impermanent; energy arises, the energy of provocation, irritation, feelings of inadequacy, yet energy doesn't stay frozen. What keeps it frozen is the story line that spirals into self criticism.
Unity is a Spiritual Center that heals with unconditional love. The best way to start this process is to enter into an unconditional friendship with yourself.
Discover the power within you, in 2012.
Rev Janice
ReplyDeleteYour inner light truly touches all people in this universe. You always make me smile.