"Lift your Eyes Up and SEE"
The Holidays can be a lovely yet also stressful time for many. The excitement of gifts and extended visits with family, putting together new toys, bikes or kitchen island carts, which Dave built this past week, can cause stomachs, hearts and heads to churn.Being willing to face and work through the challenges presented when our routines and experiences are changed, invites us to keep our eye focused on the desired results while keeping our attention in an observation mode of noticing and allowing the thoughts and emotions to pass.
Like the story found in (Matthew 14:25-30) when Peter asks to join Jesus walking on water but, having got out of the boat and feeling the great power of the wind and waves began to sink, crying out in fear, "Lord, save me!
Esoterically, this passage is about the power of the Christ within each of us to still the strong, restless power of the elements in our lower animal nature, symbolized by the wild and rolling sea.
Keeping our eye and intention lifted onto the horizon we are not detered by the warning "assembly required," and we are able to complete the bike, finish the dollhouse, or assemble the kitchen island with grace.
And afterwards perhaps go out with family and friends for a fish dinner.
Amen, it is done!
Rev Janice
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