"Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem...But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth... God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth."
I had some meetings to attend yesterday up in Vero. I had arrived early and did some window shopping. I stepped into a kitchen shop, which was filled with unique pots, pans, aprons, dishes, grinders and a multitude of gadgets. I was not looking for anything, when my eye came upon a lemon colored lemon container that one can use to place cut lemons in, so as to keep them fresher longer. Now, I am a lemon user. I use lemon in many recipes, so this was a find, and it was only $4.50.
Spiritual author Paulo Coehlo says in order to see miracles, magic and mystery in life, upon awakening, before the mind steps in, take a moment and breath in, "I accept all the good the universe gives," and breath out, "I send peace, love and harmony into the universe." He says to do this ten times, as it will clear the mind of any unwelcome negative occupants lurking about.
This exercise prepares us to worship God in Spirit and Truth by allowing us to appreciate the beauty of life that is right in the midst of all the clanging pots and pans, the apron ties of the past, the grinding justifications that make us weary. With a clear mind and open heart, we are in harmony with life and God is revealed, turning every experience, every encounter, everything we see and find into a treasure that supports our spiritual growth.
Who knew that such joy and salvation can come in the form of a cute little lemon holder.
Rev Janice
I am really impressed by this blog! Very clear explanation of issues is given and it is open to everyone.UNCONDITIONAL LOVE