Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Whole Foods

I remember growing up and my mom insisting I eat my vegetables.  Those brussel sproutes could sit on that plate for hours, I wasn't gonna eat them, or I'd be happy to help ship them to Ethiopia or wherever they needed to go. 
Today we are much more aware of the nutritional value and benefits of eating in a more healthy way.  Staying away from fast foods, processed foods and loading up on fruits, vegetables, whole grains.  You can feel the difference in eating fresh veggies.  After a while your taste buds come alive and eating an organic tomato reminds us of childhood and what tomatoes used to taste like.
We are what we eat, and whole and fresh foods are a better grade of fuel, but  to take that deeper, you can eat as many whole foods and grains as you like but if you have deep seated anger, resentment  or are holding erroneous beliefs, those thoughts will eat you up. 
That is why the best whole food we can eat is the manna from heaven,  which is to get in touch with our higher self or God self every day.   It's not enough to eat healthy and then hold thoughts that we are less than;  You don't have to go anywhere or do anything to "get" wholeness -  it is under all the getting  and doing. 
We feel whole when we let go of any pretense, any mask, any trying and just read a story to a child; when we just play with our dog;  when we just water the flowers.  Life is in the "Just" doing something for the simple pleasure of doing it.  When we "just" do it, wholeness surfaces like a friend who never left.   

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