Wednesday, March 13, 2013


To listen at the level of the Soul is a spiritual practice that scares many of us. Soul listening brings to us revelations that we don't want to hear, so we turn away.

Last week cruising the Western Caribbean I listened and took in the advice of Master teachers such as Yogi Amrit Desai (founder of Kripalu Yoga) and Michio Kushi (who brought Macrobiotics to the West). But the most inspiring people were those who sat on a recovery panel and shared their stories of returning to health through following the practices of a Macrobiotic or a Vegan diet.

Macrobiotics focuses on the vibrational energy of food, and it helps people reclaim the visceral energy connection between ourselves and the magical qualities that are innate in our food.

One woman on the panel shared her story of recovery with a friend whose daughter had been diagnosed. She created a basket full of information regarding the Macrobiotic diet but the friend refused to accept the basket and denied his daughter the opportunity to choose for herself.

What is it in us that stops us from listening or hearing?

I am reminded of Jesus who as he came near the city of Jerusalem wept over it, saying "if you had only recognized the things that make for peace..."

Cultural conditioning gets in the way of us slowing down and seeing eating as a spiritual practice. If we take this challenge and listen as we eat, we will feel the energy and wisdom of our bodies as they show us what foods balance our body/mind so we can live in harmony and peace as spiritual human beings.
Listen & Be Well,
Rev Janice